Free confidential legal advice and representation if you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or violence because you are Muslim or were perceived to be Muslim.


Islamophobia is defined as the fear and/or hatred of Muslims and Islam that proceed from historical Orientalist stereotypes. Islamophobia impacts Muslims and those perceived as Muslims such as Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists. As a result of Islamophobia, individuals may experience violence and other forms of systemic discrimination.

As a form of religious oppression, Islamophobia also intersects with other systems of oppression such as sexism and racism. Muslims who are doubly marginalized, such as Muslim women and Black Muslims, are at greater risk of experiencing Islamophobia. Islamophobia is therefore gendered and racialized.

Islamophobia manifests at both the individual and institutional level. It can be experienced in the form of hate speech, hate crimes, physical attacks, social, political and employment discrimination, and can be used to rationalize policies such as mass surveillance, incarceration, and disenfranchisement, resulting in the marginalization of Muslims.

If you have experienced any form of Islamophobia and require legal advice, please contact us.